Value Your Trade in 30 Seconds

Alex Foster

April is Check your Helmet Month!

A helmet is an important piece in every rider’s arsenal of gear, and while finding a great helmet that fits well and looks rad is a fantastic feeling, helmet materials do degrade over time; even with proper storage and care. It is important to regularly check motorcycle helmets for signs of wear, like dents in the shell or fraying straps, and replace helmets when necessary.

Motorcycle helmets protect riders by absorbing shock and impact in an accident, typically with high density foam. While it is a tried and tested technology, one of the limitations of this material is that it inevitably degrades over time, due to sun exposure, oxygen, and moisture. As the foam degrades, it can become brittle and less able to absorb and redistribute impacts to the helmet. In addition to the foam, the helmet’s shell material, often strong plastics or fiberglass, and in some cases, carbon fiber, degrades as well, becoming brittle and even prone to shattering. Not good!

Due to the limitations of materials science presented above, it is important to replace motorcycle helmets every three to five years. In addition to the nature of the materials degrading, new helmet technology can offer more protection and additional features, and nobody wants to miss out on having the best possible protection on the road. Newer helmets can also offer lower weights, more noise reduction, self-tinting face shields, and additional ventilation, increasing comfort and enjoyment in addition to protection.

Most helmets have a manufacture date listed somewhere in or on the helmet. Check the clasp, under the interior padding, and some even have a long tag tucked into the neck padding. Manufacture dates typically show a month and year when the helmet was manufactured, and if the year was more than three to five years ago, it may be time to find a replacement. While many signs that a helmet needs replacement are immediately visible, like significant sun fading on the shell or heavily worn interior padding, many other signs are not. Damage to high density foam is often not immediately apparent on visual inspection, so it’s important to be safe, rather than sorry when it comes to protection.

Harley-Davidson has dozens of helmet offerings for men and women in all kinds of colors and styles, and at many different price points, and some even have Bluetooth capabilities to listen to music and make phone calls!

The Fury N04 Bluetooth 3/4 Helmet, pictured to the left, from Harley-Davidson comes in a cool matte black finish, and includes a fully integrated sound system. At about 2 lbs, 7 oz, with a fiberglass composite shell and double D-ring fastener for the strap, this helmet has a classic and understated look but the soundsystem has some truly modern and futuristic capabilities: advanced noise control, wind noise reduction, and Mesh intercom that can support up to 24 riders. Wow!

More info on the Fury N04 Bluetooth 3/4 Helmet here.

More interested in enjoying the ride, and hearing the wind? Check out the X14 Sun Shield ¾ helmet, pictured to the right. Complete with a retractable, removable sunshield for bright riding days ahead, and a removable, moisture wicking liner, this helmet is ideal for warm weather riding. In black and True Blue, the colors compliment denim and leather alike.

More info on the X14 Sunshield 3/4 Helmet here.

While open face and ¾ helmets are awesome, some riders prefer a full face lid. Offering more protection, additional noise reduction, and in some cases, a more incognito look, full face helmets are preferred by many motorcycle enthusiasts. A great choice from Harley-Davidson is the stylish Division X15 Full Face Helmet, pictured at left. The low profile shell minimizes wind turbulence, and a tool free face shield system makes swapping to a darker tint easy. Don’t let the classic racer styling fool you: this helmet is all modern, with adjustable vents at the chin, and vents at the top and rear spoiler to keep riders cool and comfortable.

More into on the Division X15 Full Face Helmet here.

One of our top suggestions for any rider is a helmet lock. While some motorcycles come with them installed, it’s not always possible to bring a helmet when at a stop. A helmet lock deters theft and protects the helmet from accidental drops and damage while unattended on the motorcycle.

Harley-Davidson has a few offerings, some install to the frame of the motorcycle, but the Harley-Davidson helmet lock works with most helmets and motorcycles on the market. Pair it with the Harley-Davidson helmet/jacket security cable through a jacket sleeve for even more peace of mind while stopping for that burger!

Check out the Harley-Davidson helmet lock here, and the Harley-Davidson helmet/jacket security cable here.

Ready to check out Harley-Davidson’s Helmet offerings?  Contact us to book a no obligation, free VIP appointment to check out our stock and explore accessories and upgrades.